Tuesday 20 September 2011

PACES 2010/3

from a candidate

Respiratory: ?bronchiectasis with R mastectomy and bilateral thoracotomy scars,

CVS: young lady with small L thoracotomy scar in the back, and asked “why SOB in pregnancy?”

Hx: longstanding SOB+ suddenly worse, FH of CVA, MI and PE,

Abdomen: PKD

Neurology: peripheral sensory neuropathy in diabetic

Ethics: explain to a patient  recently diagnosed coeliac disease!

Station 5:

1. diabetic w necrobiosis lipoidica,reached to the diagnosis but examiner not happy because I didn’t address her concerns.

2. 60 year old lady w painless LN in cervical area, said all possible malignancies, then pushed and said sarcoidosis and amyloid, think she had sarcoidosis.

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