Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Sarcoid: frequently tested

Sarcoid : RCP’s favorite in Station 1-2-4-5

Try practice Sarcoidosis in term of Seven core clinical skills assessed in the PACES examination.

Here is a sample from 2010/2 diet:

station 2: jt pain , dry cough and bilateral gld + in CXR,
two candidates sat apart 2 weeks in a UK centre got the same scenario.

(PS. in station 4,don’t bother skill D, ie.Differential Dx;but it is assessed in all other stations!)

Clinical Skill/Skill Descriptor

Physical Examination
Demonstrate correct, thorough, systematic (or focused in Station 5 encounters), appropriate, fluent and professional technique of physical examination.

Identifying Physical Signs
Identify physical signs correctly, and not find physical signs that are not present.

Clinical Communication
Elicit a clinical history relevant to the patient’s complaints, in a systematic, thorough (or focused in Station 5 encounters), fluent and professional manner.
Explain relevant clinical information in an accurate, clear, structured, comprehensive, fluent and professional manner.

Differential Diagnosis
Create a sensible differential diagnosis for a patient that the candidate has personally clinically assessed.

Clinical Judgement
Select or negotiate a sensible and appropriate management plan for a patient, relative or clinical situation.
Select appropriate investigations or treatments for a patient that the candidate has personally clinically assessed.
Apply clinical knowledge, including knowledge of law and ethics, to the case.

Managing Patients’ Concerns
Seek, detect, acknowledge and address patients’ or relatives’ concerns.
Listen to a patient or relative, confirm their understanding of the matter under discussion and demonstrate empathy.

Maintaining Patient Welfare
Treat a patient or relative respectfully and sensitively and in a manner that ensures their comfort, safety and dignity.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Station 4 : Discharge


Yet another scenario from 2/2009 diet:

A lady

Infective Endocarditis of prosthetic mitral valve
on 10th day of parentral antibiotics
Consultant plans to keep her in hospital for next 2 weeks

She has 2 kids at home,whom need support and
keeps on smoking in hospital premise.

Adamantly asking you to send her back home

Recently Released Book:OST

If you're confident you are well grounded in Clinical Medicine,
just skim the texts there to update yourself.

Station1:Chest Percussion

Clinical Method_Respiratory

A colleague who sit for the paces diet 1 in 2009 was criticized by an examiner that he made percussion of the chest far below the boundaries of the lungs.

How far should we percuss downward on back of the chest in Respiration Station?

  • In quiet respiration, the lungs’ inferior
    margin travels around the thoracic wall
    following a VI, VIII, X contour
    (i.e. rib VI in the midclavicular line, rib VIII in the
    midaxillary line, and vertebra TX posteriorly).


Station 2-Diarrhoea

Action Plan:
Follow standard history taking format sensibly.
  • You are ……
  • tell me more about the symptoms
  • how frequent?any blood?
  • still much the same or getting worse?
  • any medication?help
  • Cigarette
  • Caffeine Alcohol
  • Any change in period
  • Any SoB etc.
  • Diet
SOCRATES is useful mnemonics for associated PAIN.
  • Site
  • Onset: ? following infective episodes or travel
  • Character? how would you describe
  • Radiation
  • Timing: ?wake up at night to go to loo, pain goes away after bowel
  • Exacerbation:? diet? tried exclusion
  • Severity
Preformed broad DDx should aid symptom analysis.
  • infective
  • inflammatory
  • neoplastic
  • ischaemic
  • Irritable bowel
Alarm Symptoms will guide the speed and types of  INVESTIGATIONS.
  • > 40
  • Weight loss
  • Bleed
  • Family history
Address patient concern and welfare.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

PACES 2010/3

from a candidate

Respiratory: ?bronchiectasis with R mastectomy and bilateral thoracotomy scars,

CVS: young lady with small L thoracotomy scar in the back, and asked “why SOB in pregnancy?”

Hx: longstanding SOB+ suddenly worse, FH of CVA, MI and PE,

Abdomen: PKD

Neurology: peripheral sensory neuropathy in diabetic

Ethics: explain to a patient  recently diagnosed coeliac disease!

Station 5:

1. diabetic w necrobiosis lipoidica,reached to the diagnosis but examiner not happy because I didn’t address her concerns.

2. 60 year old lady w painless LN in cervical area, said all possible malignancies, then pushed and said sarcoidosis and amyloid, think she had sarcoidosis.

What do you expect to be heard?

mechanical prosthetic valve:St Jude

St. Jude